Rabu, 21 Desember 2011


Hey girls,
I have a hair product review for you on the Oranix "Renewing, Moroccan Argan Oil" Conditioner. This is my first product I am trying out from this brand and I have been looking into this range for a while now wondering whether I should try it out but not sure. It's kind of on the pricey side for not a very well known brand so I wasn't too sure about the quality or if it would be worth it and I found that it was probably a waste of money. I thought I would do a review anyway just in case someone is looking into getting this, they can take my review on board and decide whether they still want to try it out. Please do not not try it just because I say it sucks, it's my personal opinion and may just be my hair but keep reading if your interested to see how this product fails.
I decided to pick up the Moroccan Argan Conditioner because I was in need of replacing my "Healthy Sexy Hair Conditioner" which is $30 and was looking for something a little less expensive. I have always thought the Organix brand was a little overpriced as there hasn't been much hype surrounding any of their products but they still cost around $15! I justified trying this one out because I saved $15 getting this instead of replacing my "Healthy Sexy Hair" so I thought I would do a review for you girls telling you my thoughts and if i recommend trying it out because it is a cheaper alternative to most high end hair products but the question is if it is of the same quality! I have found that this conditioner was dissapointing and don't recommend it at all!
I decided to break my review down into categories so it's easy to read and maybe if your only interested in one aspect of their review, you can easily skip to that.
Quantity: The bottle holds 385ml of conditioner which I can see myself getting through very quickly because I basically have to pour the whole bottle over my head to feel like all of my hair is moisturised enough. I have to use a LOT of this stuff and my hair isn't even that long!
Quality: Just because I do have to use soooo much product to actually see results on my hair, I have to say this product is pretty poor quality and isn't doing it's job which obviously is conditioning my hair!
Packaging: Cute colours and overall very pretty packaging but maybe not very practical because I can see it being very troubling to try and get product out once there isnt much left in the bottle.
Cost: $15 sounds like a lot compared to brands like Tresseme and Pamolive but seems reasonable compared to Redken or Joico.
Formulation/ consistency: The consistency is very thick and creamy which I love.
Scent: A pleasent smell, nothing amazing or unique, just smells like conditioner.
So my overall opinion of this product is pretty low! To be completley honest, this conditioner was a complete let down especially because I have been eyeing it for so long! If your from Australia and you have been looking to try this conditioner I can't say I recommend it and you could probably give it a miss because it really dissapointed me. If you do use this conditioner and it works for you I hope I don't offend you with this bad review, I just wanted to give my honest opinion and maybe it's just how it works on my hair. I will probably use it up by mixing it with my Big Sexy Hair conditioner which I'm going to go out and repurchase just because I did spend $15 on it and I think it would be a waste of money just to throw it away. I'm not sure about any other products from the Organix line, all I know is that this conditioner was horrible!

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